Here at Power And Grace Preparatory Academy (PGPA), we have the flexibility to teach beyond the subjects covered by standardized tests. We believe in a well-rounded curriculum that includes the arts, physical education, music, student council, field trips, S.T.E.A.M., financial literacy, performing arts, and social emotional education in addition to the core subjects.

Character Building
Power And Grace Preparatory Academy (PGPA), believes that part of a child’s education must include positive character development. To ensure this, we use a quality curriculum called CHARACTER FIRST! Here are some of the distinguishable characteristics of this program:
What is good character? – It is the stable and distinctive qualities built into an individual’s life that determines his or her responses regardless of circumstances.
There is a need for the character – schools are plagued with an unprecedented wave of violence, drug use, cheating, and other unlawful behaviors.
Countering popular culture – there is no question that culture influences young people’s decisions. The challenge is to develop a culture at school that encourages students to make good decisions and experience true success.
The Character First curriculum offers teachers a systematic and comprehensive approach to teaching students to make good decisions. The more teachers show their approval for the character, the more students pursue it. Students who have demonstrated a character quality are recognized at a monthly all-school assembly. Character-based correction deals with the root of a problem which leads to lasting change. Students are taught how to deal with issues in their own lives and relationships with others.
These characteristics and values will help students be successful members of the PGPA community and contribute to citizens in our democratic society.
Learner: I ask questions to understand. I keep working even when things are hard.
Confident: I believe in myself. I will learn from my mistakes.
Respectful: I am kind to people, places, and things.
Helpful: Whenever you can, help! I do what is needed.
Responsible: I follow our school’s 5 Agreements. I make good choices.
Open-minded: I appreciate differences. I am open to new experiences.
Courageous: I am a risk-taker. I do what is right.
Thinker: I reflect. I make connections.
Caring: I nurture people, places, and things. I am considerate of other people.
Creative: I use my imagination. I think of new ideas. I express myself.
Students participate in 50 minutes of music classes per week as part of the general curriculum. Topics include the history of music, music appreciation, and hands-on use of instruments like drums, recorders, and xylophones. Students can also choose to participate in our extracurricular music programs.
Students receive at least 60 minutes of art instruction each week. Projects create a foundation of basic art skills and offers an introduction to art history and appreciation. Skills include drawing, watercolors, charcoal, pastels, shading, still-life, perspective, mosaics, symmetrical art, and calligraphy.
Student Council
Students participate in student council meetings to practice giving speeches and effectively discuss topics related to our mission of increasing the positive culture of student life on campus, such as playground equipment, school stores/entrepreneurship, and field trip ideas.
Physical Education
Students participate in about 50 minutes of physical education class each week. Our program fosters positive health habits, good sportsmanship, and perseverance. It also provides an outlet for kids’ natural energy so they can focus when in the classroom. Our physical education teacher incorporates a variety of activities to teach a range of basic skills and keep class exciting. Activities include dodge ball, the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge, and various stretching and exercises.
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